FAQs for Vodafone GigaCube Cat19

Do the Vodafone GigaCube Cat19 support public IP addresses?

– No, public IP addresses are currently not supported. With the GigaCube rates, a private IP address is automatically stored.


Can I connect my landline telephone to the GigaCube?

– No, that will not work. The telephone connection on the GigaCube is shut down. There are no voice services for the GigaCube rate on the SIM card. You also can not use the GigaCube’s phone port with another SIM card with voice services.


Can I also use the GigaCube in my motorhome?

– Yes, with the Vodafone GigaCube you can even surf in the car, motorhome and camping.
You only need Vodafone mobile reception and a car converter for the cigarette lighter or 12V connection.
Or use the GigaCube external battery.


Does the GigaCube have voice recognition?

– No. You can only control and set it up via the GigaCube web interface.

More about this: How to set up your Vodafone Gigacube Cat19?

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